Are you like Michael Jackson?

There are 6 billion people on this earth...and I hope NObody is like Michael Jackson(the king of malesting children).If you are like Michael Jackson(or if you are(eeeeeewwwwwww)then I advise you to go to rehab and and tell them how your like MJ so they can help you.

Are YOU like Michael Jackson?Hopefully not but if you are do EXACTLTY what I told you to do in paragraph uno.(one)In 1+ minutes you will figure out if you are like Michael Jackson(the world`s biggest pervert!)

Created by: MJ Hater
  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  2. Do you have kids?
  3. Did you like MJ as a singer?
  4. Are you a PRO singer?
  5. Are you gay?
  6. Do you have a boyfriend?
  7. Do you have a girlfriend?
  8. Which attracts you MORE?
  9. Are you a hippie?
  10. How do you like it?
  11. Do YOU think your like MJ?
  12. Huh? (pick AorB)

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Quiz topic: Am I like Michael Jackson?