Are you like me? :P

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Hello and welcome to my Quiz. i am not going to introduce myself because it will gaive away some answers soo... yeah. enjoy my quiz! and don't forget to hae a good day!

Hello and welcome to my Quiz. i am not going to introduce myself because it will gaive away some answers soo... yeah. enjoy my quiz!and don't forget to hae a good day!

Created by: SilverNote13
  1. if you like a boy, what would you do?
  2. are you a brony/pegasister?
  3. who is you alltime bestest friend?
  4. are you a boy or a girl?
  5. do you like RPGs?
  6. what is your fav name out of all of these?
  8. what is my sister's name on tumblr? :3
  9. how old are you. (at the time this quiz was out)
  10. farwell!!

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Quiz topic: Am I like me? :P