Are you like me in political terms?

This quiz will tell you if you have similar opinions to me in politics, while you may not take it seriously, remember that this website is made for fun.

Please don't post unrelated comments and don't try to argue with me, I will never agree with you especially concerning "equality" and "diversity", in fact, I am strongly against it.

Created by: Casidir
  1. I am a way better and smarter person than everyone, including my own race.
  2. I wouldn't fight for my preferred races, but I would still give them slight privileges, such as discrimination laws and spread lies so people would feel pity for them.
  3. Society should be organized on a class hierarchy.The poor should be enslaved, the middle class becomes the consumer class and the rich get profit from business. And the elite controls all forms of organizations (corporate, states, finances and markets) through a higher power than the state itself, they will enjoy most profits.
  4. Even though everyone is an idiot, it doesn't mean they are all equally stupid, I hate all groups at various levels.
  5. Do you agree with this statement? : Slave market is the only good form of welfare, the weak and the lazy can gain their salary on their slaves' behalf while taking their lifelong vacation.
  6. All races, all religions, any kind of group who wronged me deserve the most brutal and macabre form of torture possible, and then die horribly with no one to help.
  7. Do you often dream of omnipotent vengeful brutal fantasies as well as worldwide warfare?
  8. Do you see yourself as a perfect ruler of the world, where everyone adores you and think of you as an omnipotent God?
  9. Anyone who dares breaking my personal beliefs, laws and rules deserve the same fate as the ones who wronged me.
  10. The city I was born in should become the future world capital.
  11. There are certain basic morals I would like to corrupt, (ex. murder is legalized, rape is not a problem for society, thief is necessary) however, I am an exception, people must respect me.
  12. All religions must be reformed to follow my own agenda, I must always be the highest power, higher than God itself.
  13. I hate immigration and race mixing, but for pretty much sexual reasons, I find certain races to be hotter and would like to preserve them. Border crossing should be paid with lots of money, meaning only the rich can immigrate.
  14. I can't stand fat people, they eat too much and feel like ridiculed as a human.
  15. I dream of being the most despicable figure in human history, I feel like competing with Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other dictators.
  16. Excluding areas I want to protect, warfare and imperialism is a great way to get profit, I would pretty much use my favorite countries to make them expand until world domination.
  17. There are no political parties and figures I admire, I am against all of them.
  18. While I am certainly against the world transforming into an ecumenopolis, (look it up) I think unlimited industrialism is a great tool to get profit.
  19. Public and private properties should be abolished, I should own everything and the only a way person can "own" is as a held property, since it is still my possession.
  20. I don't care about nature, I would only use technology to protect myself and anything I consider important from any disaster. Pollution is not a problem since there already is someone to pick them all.
  21. I want people to give special treatments and privileges to the ones I like.
  22. Traditions are unnecessary, including gender roles.
  23. Girls should be educated like boys, it would be necessary for a bigger military to preserve the world-state's ideology.
  24. All cultures I hate should be banned and people should be punished severely for practicing it.
  25. I truly don't care about animals, they have no feelings.

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Quiz topic: Am I like me in political terms?
