Are you like me?

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Hi this my first quiz! I'm so excited! This quiz is about you and me! Isn't this amazing! As you can tell I'm a little quirky,but that doesn't effect me at all! This quiz is so much better if you answer truthfully! I honestly hate liars! Well enjoy the quiz!

Are you like me? Do you live my world? If you think so then take this quiz to find out! Go ahead and take the quiz it doesn't hurt! Unless you lie! LIAR!

Created by: GlitterGirl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let start with a boring questoin,what is your favorite color?
  2. Are you a homebody?
  3. Are you a girly girl?
  4. Do you listen to metal?
  5. Do you feel beautiful?
  6. Are you signal?
  7. Do you love shoes?
  8. Have a crush on anybody?
  9. Comics?
  10. How many BFFs do you have?
  11. Do you take nothing from nobody?

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?