Are You Like Me?

Welcome, dear reader and quiz taker, to my quiz! Here you can find out how similar you are to me and get one of three results. I'm sorry if they aren't quite accurate, this being my first quiz and all.

But anyways, please enjoy! Comment if you can and if you would like, and the same goes for rating this (hopefully) wonderous quiz. Go on, off into the world of Lynne Grace quizzes. Shoo!

Created by: Lynne_Grace
  1. In a social situation, such as a dance, what are you doing?
  2. How many friends would you say you have?
  3. Favorite colors? (They're grouped together, if the group has one or more of your favorites, pick it.)
  4. Do you like school?
  5. How do you dress?
  6. Reading?
  7. How clumsy are you?
  8. Are you calm?
  9. Do you like this quiz? (No effect)
  10. This is the final required question friends... Will you comment/rate?

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Quiz topic: Am I Like Me?
