Are you like me?

Are you like me or not and hey, with a stroke of luck you may be my doppelgänger!!! Now there are some very unusual questions in here just try to answer as honestly as possible!

do ever wonder if there is someone out there that is a lot like you, well that person may be me there's only one way of finding out, just answer these 20 questions and you'll know

Created by: Hannah x
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever woken up and not known where you were
  2. Have you ever injured yourself whilst drunk
  3. If the world was overtaken by Vampires, would you...
  4. You find £100 cash on a bus, no other passengers are around, would you...
  5. Have you ever taken revenge after a break up?
  6. Have you ever been sick in the street
  7. Have you ever fallen asleep at work
  8. Would you rather...
  9. Do you like to eat any weird food combinations
  10. Do you believe in ghosts
  11. Would you rather...
  12. Do you find weddings boring?
  13. If you won money gambling you would...
  14. Would you rather...
  15. What's worse...
  16. Do you think it's OK to rob a bugular
  17. Do you believe in true love
  18. Do you believe in true love
  19. Have you ever punched someone in a fight
  20. What's worse...

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?