are you like me?

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so this quiz is a quiz if you are like me, but i'd appreciate if you try this quiz, it's made for fun, not for ugly creepy pedos to come in, so without further ado, try it!!

welp since gotoquiz is the website i use to enter quizzes on school, why not make one, i made this to get a cool pfp for myself, so i can be cool, yay!!!

Created by: F33LG00D of
(your link here more info)
  1. hello everyone so yeah this is a quiz where are you like me quiz so first, what's your favorite colour?
  2. now what fandom are you one of these, i know this is wildly weeb stuff or stupid stuff but who asked, you can be in one of them
  3. what is or was your favorite subject?
  4. okay are you introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
  5. what do you suffer with?
  6. what type of stuff did you hate in school or what type of stuff do you hate in school?
  7. what gender are you, if you don't answer this..i don't know what are you doing
  8. what is your aesthetic?/ what do you wear?
  9. what continent are you from?
  10. one more say bye!!

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?

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