Are you like me?

So this quiz is to see if your like me or not so you pick correctly of what your answer would really be so choose carefully and correctly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also some of these questions are not going to count to the end points but they might so choose wisely and hopefully you can be my BFF and if you got nope as a end result sorry

Created by: clover
  1. Do you like cats
  2. Do you like anime
  3. What's your favorite
  4. Do you draw?
  5. Which one?
  6. How many friends do you have
  7. Age?
  8. Gender
  9. What do you prefer
  10. Which one
  11. How many siblings
  12. How are your parents
  13. How weird or crazy are you
  14. Just warning the result kinda is rare
  15. How are you
  16. If you had to choose one which would you pick
  17. If you picked 1 you are gay
  18. I you picked 2 you chill
  19. If you picked 3 idk your you
  20. Now if you picked cat your the best pick answer cat
  21. Ok good bye 👋

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?
