Are you like me?

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this is something that I just made in school for my friends back then but now you can take it and see the things that you get right so have fun with it and by

by the way is your fav band the beach boys ect well if yes we may be close to the same and know I will jussssst tryyyyyyy to fillllllll spaceeeeee innnnn soooorrryyyy

Created by: moki of watch some youtube
(your link here more info)
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. do you like PJO,HOO,andTOA
  3. are you fat (this is a joke)
  4. are you blonde ( this does not add points)
  5. did you get sleep at night
  6. do you like food
  7. do you like cats
  8. do you have a pet
  9. if you do have a pet is it a cat or dog ect or I have no pets(some do not count)
  10. just to add an extra thing

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?
