Are you like me?

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Are you like me? Take this quiz to find out! I honestly ran out of ideas for the question lol. Bhivhipgu9v8o1ceruoc1fuo1e80y1et719eyc1e0g13cucy1y91ecv79e1

Also I ran out of ideas to use for questions lol. Also tomorrow wil be part 6 of the aphmau thing i love to do hvirvwu8uo b we bhiweciwbie1chi1ecc9ye1

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Favorite colour?
  2. Do you like anime?
  3. Are you a swiftie?
  4. Do you listen to songs with swearing in em?
  5. Harry potter house?
  6. Favourite drink?
  7. Do you like bugs?
  8. Are you a baka?
  9. Favorite video game?
  10. Favourite food?
  11. Do you like aphmau?
  12. Do you read wof (wings of fire)?
  13. Do you think ur like me?
  14. Does your life suck?
  15. Fate!

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?
