Are you like able? idk so let see

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This is my opinion if your like able if you get a 100 I like you people may not like you but I might this is not proved by everyone I’m sure your liked

See if your like able or not let’s see have fun doing the quiz I hope your liked but idk you might think you are liked so yeah I like a lot of people

Created by: Ashtyn of Ablike
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you talk alot
  2. Do you have a lot of friends?
  3. Do people like your style?
  4. Do people smile at you?
  5. Do you get bullied?
  6. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend
  7. Do people comfort you?
  8. Are you annoying
  9. Do people talk with you
  10. Are you nice

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Quiz topic: Am I like able? idk so let see
