Are you liberal or conservative?

This test is a test to find out whether or not your a conservative/republican or a liberal/democrat. I hope you enjoy this test, and take it very seriously, because the questions are serious. Think about them as much as possible, and then answer. Have fun!

Hey! This test is just an easy brain work-out to see what party your in. The questions will be based off the title, there is no right or wrong, just answer what you think would be the best to do. Have fun, and enjoy the rest of your day!

Created by: Kyle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you think about gay marriage?
  2. What do you think about abortion?
  3. What should we do to keep an eye out for terrorists?
  4. Should there be no summer brake during school for kids?
  5. Who should be allowed to have high college education?
  6. What should we do about gun control?
  7. What should we do about the 17 trillion dollars America has in debt?
  8. Which president was the best?
  9. Should there be more Free-Market?
  10. What should we do about the pollution from cars?
  11. The world is getting run by technology, what do we do?
  12. Are allies are attacked, what do we do?
  13. Is this the last question?
  14. We get attacked, what should we do?
  15. What should we do with the poor/homeless?
  16. What should we do with littering?
  17. The last question was, what should we do with the rich, I'm sorry, this question is about littering.
  18. What should we do about Global-Warming?
  19. What should we do with tourists?
  20. Do you think your a republican or a democrat so far?
  21. Do you think your a liberal or conservative so far?
  22. What do you think is the most important U.S. Military power?
  23. This is the last question, What do you want to be? A republican or a democrat?

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Quiz topic: Am I liberal or conservative?