Are you LGBTQIA+

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Ok so this is not 100% accurate and I hope you enjoy it and ye idk what else to put so yeah this is my first quiz and I’m kinda trash but whatever honestly I’m trash at basically everything so yeah

Are you gay 😏 (I didn’t know what to say) I have to use the space here so I’m gonna type gibberish sh to naturalized da Lu xkxgxufxfjxukxukfzkufzjfzljgxluxflf

Created by: Kai is trans
  1. Can you sit in a chair properly
  2. (for the gays/les) do you often find yourself being more attracted to the same gender
  3. (For da trans) do you feel comfortable with your gender that you were assigned at birth
  4. Did you ever go through a tomboy/femboy phase
  5. How many times have you questioned your sexuality/gender
  6. What’s your fav color
  7. Do YoU LiStEn To CaVeToWn
  8. Do you like the quiz
  9. Almost done! Do you like to wear clothes meant for the opposite gender
  10. Bye bye time

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Quiz topic: Am I LGBTQIA+
