Are you letter A or B?

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Hi all thank you and welcome to my quiz. today we are going to have some fun. we are going to try and determine if you are an 'A' person or a 'B' person.

You might think. "What does this mean?" and rest assured, after 10 simple questions you will know all there is to know on this subject. there are no strings attached

Created by: bottlednothing
  1. When you think of the letters A and B, which one do you feel is more "you"?
  2. Apples or Oranges?
  3. Which of these names is closest to your own name?
  4. Would you rather have a...?
  5. When you recite the alphabet, which letter do you start with?
  6. Apes or Bonobos
  7. Which Hindu God do you associate most closely with?
  8. When you scream which sound do you make?
  9. Do you have a friend name Angus?
  10. Do you have a friend name Brian?

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Quiz topic: Am I letter A or B?

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