Are You Lazy? Let's find out!

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I decided to try this quiz making out, it's my first time trying. 😅 Anyways, this had to be 150 characaters long so, yeah. Almost close yet so far.

Here, you will discover if you're hard working or if you're a couch potato! There will be random questions, like: Do you like pie? Stuff like that....

Created by: Rolland Finch
  1. Do you play video games?
  2. Do you use your toes to pick things up?
  3. Do you tend to leave a mess?
  4. Do you eat fast food often instead of cooking?
  5. Do you go to the gym?
  6. What's your favorite color?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. Do you juggle?
  9. How are you today?
  10. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Lazy? Let's find out!
