Are you Korean?

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This is to see if you're Korean or not. Hope you have fun!! :) You may wanna know your nationality but can't go to AncestryDNA because you can't afford it. Welp, here you go! The perfect quiz without any dollars required! :)

If you don't know what your nationality is or you assume that you're Korean but with no evidence, then take this quiz! It's simple and doesn't require any experience or IQ. :)

Created by: girlkoreaboo
  1. Do you have almond like asian eyes
  2. Do you have natural skin without dead skin cells or pimples, do you have no facial hair?
  3. Do you have a soft/clean voice?
  4. Are you handsome?
  5. Does your family/you speak Korean?
  6. Does your family/ you celebrate any Korean/Asian traditions?
  7. Where are you born?
  8. Are your parents Korean, or born in North/South Korea?
  9. Are you skinny?
  10. Last question!
  11. Do you eat naturally healthy?
  12. Did I do good on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Korean?

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