Are you Khanjaan, Koko, Tahir Shah or Jahangiray?

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We all know that every human being on this planet has a secret doppelgänger, usually we never get to know them but this quiz will help you connect you to your soulmate...

I seriously don;t know what to put here, i like to type random stuff when i am hungry ..oh yeah I haven't had anything for food since morning and now i m going to make you suffer

Created by: khanjan
  1. Pick a song!
  2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  3. Trump is...
  4. You are late to work/class, your best excuse is...
  5. KhanJaan Sok de?
  6. Punjabyan tol...
  7. Zama jwand maqsad...
  8. Your excuse for being a complete dirtbag/palit-insan is...
  9. What is baby oil made of?
  10. Why is this quiz so long?

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Quiz topic: Am I Khanjaan, Koko, Tahir Shah or Jahangiray?