Are you Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, or Lionblaze? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, or Lionblaze?
Lionblaze,I am very brave and fierce I try to stay determined on beating my demons to the best that I can. I'm also adventurous I like the outdoors alot and I am a bit of a trouble maker...I also usually to my instincts instead of others opinions usually. Really aquarate pawsome quiz mate. Jay feather and Hollyleaf are cool though too.
83You are Lionblaze! You're brave and fierce, and aren't afraid to challenge the rules. You most often go with your gut when making a decision, and don't hesitate to show off. You are concerned about what others think of you, and want a good reputation. You are adventurous sometimes a troublemaker
64% Jayfeather
58% Hollyleaf -
I guess I am like Jayfeather, except I feel like everybody hates me even though I know its not true so I do like to be pitied... Prob 'cuz I've sorta been fighting off depression... But I am strong! I haven't done suicide!
Clary1011 -
I got Lionblaze! I thought I would get Hollyleaf. Well, I am a mix of both.
That’s good! I’m most like Hollyleaf. I can see that.
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