Are you intelligent ?

There are many smart people . But a few are true genius . Can you qualify in this quiz . Please post a comment or rate this quiz for me to be famous .

Are you a genius ?? Take this quiz and know in few minutes . Do have the power of answer all the questions . Try and win this quiz . Please share your scores to your friends and family . Let them take this quiz.

Created by: Barbieismylife
  1. Where is new zealand located
  2. India got independence on - ?
  3. Which is the smallest planet ?
  4. Some plants eat meat .
  5. Which is the biggest flower ?
  6. Which is the hottest dessert ?
  7. Can leeches good for us ?
  8. What is an ibex ?
  9. Who is known as the captain cool ?
  10. How many days are there in a leap year ?

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Quiz topic: Am I intelligent ?