Are you insane? QUIZE

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Are you of insanity? TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT w w ww w ww wwwwwwwwwwwwww w w w ww w w ww w w w w ww w ww w w w w w w w w ww w s s s sTAKE TEST INASEw w

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Created by: American
  1. If someone says MEAN WORD to you how do you respond
  2. Someone cuts in front of you what are do you do! Sorry for bad english
  3. You see pills in front of you how do you react
  4. What are the steps to making a ham sandwich?
  5. Do you think you are insane
  6. You fart in public what DO YOU DOO
  7. Someone is following you what do you do
  8. Someone laughs at your shirt what do you do?
  9. Someone farts in PUBLIC EEW!!! What do you do?
  10. Are you a monky

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Quiz topic: Am I insane? QUIZE
