Are you insane?

Are you mental? take this quiz and discover the truth. you may need help, or you may be perfectly fine. or you may need help but not realize it. good luck!

I hope you enjoy this quiz. it is just a bit of fun after all. dont take it too seriously if it says you are insane insane person! are we not at least a little crazy?

Created by: jack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you hear voices in your head?
  2. Do you every feel the urge to commit a violent crime?
  3. Are you attracted to the same sex?
  4. Would you beat a man if he insulted you?
  5. Do you love the people around you.
  6. Do you feel like you are whole inside.
  7. Do you have outbursts of anger!
  8. Has anyone ever told you that you sometimes seem like another person.
  9. Have you ever felt love.
  10. Are you happy?
  11. are you racist?
  12. would you run if someone was trying to shoot you.

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Quiz topic: Am I insane?