are you innocent as this puppy

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r u a perv or a innocent puppy? lets find out!

here we go!!! warp speed activate!!!

Created by: icefire212
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u like puppies?
  2. do u like kitties
  3. u are walking down the street when u c a girl/boy that is attractive what do u do...
  4. You have an umbrella and it is raining. you see a girl with a white shirt getting rained on. what do you do? This question does not apply to you if you are a straight girl
  5. this is a filler filler question not enough questions for a full quiz this is a filler da da da
  6. 8=D what is this
  7. do u have a mustache?
  8. watch tennis with ur eyes closed what do u hear
  9. what do u want to do with ur life
  10. so r u ready to c ur results

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Quiz topic: Am I innocent as this puppy