Are you in tune with your inner monkey?

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Welcome to our initiation process. By taking this quiz, you will be tested vigorously on whether or not you're a true monkey. If you pass, you will be welcomed into the monkey world. Where you will stay for all eternity.

There are different levels of monkeys. There are monkey peasants. Monkey regulars, and then are are monkey lords. There is a rank above monkey lord, but we dare not speak of it, for it is merely a legend. Always remember, Rohl sucks, Jones rules.

Created by: Cody the monkey king
  1. Do you believe you're a monkey?
  2. Wear do you peel your bananas from?
  3. Do you hate Hillary Clinton?
  4. Would you rather elect Bernie Sanders or Apeman Jones as president of the rainforest?
  5. Do you like what our current president Apeman Rohl is doing with our economy? If you're truly a monkey you should have an opinion on this.
  6. Do you like having sex in public?
  7. Do you like grooming others and eating ticks and lice out of their back hair?
  8. Do you like being naked all the time?
  9. If provoked, would you tear off a human's face?
  10. Do you want to see Apeman Rohl and all of his politicians die in a housefire?
  11. And finally. You do support Apeman Jones?

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Quiz topic: Am I in tune with my inner monkey?