are you in love with your crush

This Quiz are about you and your crush to see how bad in love you are with your crush or can he or she just be your one true friend you need. Take a chance and see what you get.

What is you and your crush relationship status and what does he or she mean to you. Be completely honest in the quiz to get the truth about you crush

Created by: lerize

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you real friends
  2. Does he talk to you
  3. Do you have eye contact when you see each other
  4. Have he/she ever teased you...and laugh with you
  5. How does he/she greed you
  6. What do you love about your crush
  7. When do you think about your crush
  8. Do you think he/she likes you
  9. Does your crush acts weird around his/her friends
  10. How would you describe your relationship with your crush
  11. Thanks for your time Bye enjoy your day and good luck

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Quiz topic: Am I in love with my crush