Are you in love with Shane Dawson?

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If you think you love Shane Dawson come take our quiz to find out!!! We think Shane is Queeeeeeeeeeen. Everyone should take this quiz to see if you think he is Queen too.

Shane Dawson is Queeeeeeeen. He will have you shook when you watch his videos. I was very shookith when I watched them. You need to watch all of his videos to understand how amazing Shane really is.

Created by: Hallie and Jenessa
  1. Have you watched all his videos?
  2. On what videos does Shane say "hey whats up you guys"?
  3. Who is his bestfriend?
  4. who is he marrying?
  5. What is shanes Favorite place to eat?
  6. What is Shanes favorite drink?
  7. What is Shane's spirit animal?
  8. What is Shane's dog named?
  9. What is Shanes cat named?
  10. Is Shane the best Youtuber ever?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love with Shane Dawson?
