Are you in love with Michael Jackson? GIRLS ONLY!

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Do you think you love MJ? Well, you should take this quiz to find out! You will get AWESOME results! I hope you get the answers you desire! Thanks if you do thanks this quiz! :)

Are you thinking you are falling for him? Well, take this quiz to find out! Are you confused and think you might, but might not? You should REALLY try and take this quiz! Thanks! :)

Created by: Megan Marie Banda
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you love his smile?
  2. Do you love how he dances?
  3. What happened to him at the end of "Will You Be There" live in Bucharest?
  4. Do you smile a lot when he says I love you at the end of his performances?
  5. Do you love it when you hear him say that he loves the Earth and sings the beautiful slow songs?
  6. Do you try to dance like him to his videos all night long?
  7. Do you love his curly hair? How awesome it is?
  8. Do you love his voice?
  9. Did you like it when he was black or white?
  10. Do you think you love MJ?
  11. Do you want your results now? (No affect)

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Quiz topic: Am I in love with Michael Jackson? GIRLS ONLY!