Are you in love with Lps

This quiz is all about if your the type that would play with littlest pet shop or not you will find out if you have time for them or if you just don't like them

Are you up for this test but if you are most sertentley sure you do not like littlest pet shop then you do not have to take this quiz unless you would be willing to

Created by: Lahela hall
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you make Lps have your life problems
  2. Do you play with them 24-7
  3. Do you have tons of Lps
  4. Do you trade Lps
  5. Do you steal Lps
  6. Would you ever steal Lps
  7. Would you ever give them away
  8. Would you save them for your kids
  9. Will you sell them when you get older
  10. What age will you stop playing with them

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Quiz topic: Am I in love with Lps