are you in love with horses

this quiz is to see if you are a horse lover. its not for real but in my eyes this is how i rate people

also this quiz is just for fun so remember nothing in this quiz really matter in the real world. so dont have a hissy fit :):)):):):)

Created by: horse lover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you rather go shopping or go riding
  2. could you live without your horse
  3. riding boots or channel boots
  4. how bout halter color
  5. would you give up shopping for a horse?
  6. do you like this quiz?
  7. whats your favorite horse
  8. how bout your horse goes lame. what do you do
  9. do you like horses?
  10. thanks for doing

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Quiz topic: Am I in love with horses