Are you in love with an animated personality?

We all know animations, maybe some people don't watch them but they know something about this popular stories; like Naruto and Bleach... And in these stories (of course) there are heroes; who are beloved by all the serie's fans. But the one thing most of these fans ignore that they would love their favourite character to be real; depending on the others' opinions in that is silly or it's because the real ones don't prefer them. So if you were brave and you don't care about what the others say; then show that you can go through this quiz easily!!

Are you really in love with an animated person? or that's just what you think?? Do you wish your hero to be ALIVE? or you pretend to have many boyfriends so you don't need him!! You can keep asking till the morning but why don]t you start ANSWERING this quiz? Let's go..

Created by: Farah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you watch animes?
  2. Which of these animations do you like most?
  3. Who do you like the most?:
  4. How many times a weak do you dream of your animated guy?
  5. Do you wish if your hero was real (or u wish u were animated with him ;p)?
  6. Would you like to be the girl whom your hero loves in the animation or would you create your own personality to make'm fall?
  7. How much (honestly) do you give yourself from "1-10" for being romantic?
  8. Do you feel like you can NOT live without love? (specially for him)
  9. How can I end this quiz?
  10. Bey

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Quiz topic: Am I in love with an animated personality?