Are you in love? Quiz

There are soo many quizzes like this....! "are u in love...? Is he/she the one?" and blah blah blah...! But...i promise you....the results of this quiz is absolutely true because the questions are picked from my real life... :') yea...i swear...! So..good luck buddy...! ;) go get the 100% as the result..! GO GO GO....! :D Yaeyyy...!

Are you in love? Is he/she the right one for you? Do you have any chances of getting along with him/her? And most yours just an infatuation or true love? Find out here....! :D

Created by: Zera
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think of him/her alot?
  2. Do you take an effort to make him/her smile?
  3. Do you think of him/her while listening to a love song?
  4. Do you love it when he/she sends you long texts?
  5. Will you stay up all night just to talk with him/her?
  6. Do you get sad when you see him/her talking to other girls/guys?
  7. If she/he takes 10 minute to reply to a text...will you take 20 minutes to make him/her wait? ;)
  8. Do you smile at his/her texts even if its not funny..?
  9. do you think of him/her?
  10. last question...! Dont panic...its an easy question...! Do you like this quiz? :D :D

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Quiz topic: Am I in love? Quiz