Are You In Love Quiz

There are but a bunch of people in love and your one of them. trust your heart and if you see improvement for your relationship that means your doing something right. keep doing that. if you need some good addvice my email is msg me if you need some.

Are YOU in love. Do you have the heart to love again or now. But thanx to this great quiz you can find out almost instantly unless you have dsl it's going to take a while lol just kiddin anywayzz... if you need some good addvice my email is msg me if you need some.

Created by: joy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you feel that this person likes/loves you for you?
  2. How many times of a week are you contacted?
  3. What kind of person are they?
  4. If you had to move 10,000 miles away from your family or friends would you do it? (you will still be intouch)
  5. Do you feel comfertable around this person?
  6. Did you lose your verginity to this person?
  7. If you were to get married tommarrow, would you be ready?
  8. How much money would you spend on a present for this person?
  9. If you couldn't swim and your girl/man was drowning in a 10 degrese ocean with sharks and no one else was there would you jump in for him/her, or just let them drown/be eaten?
  10. If you were a vergin and then he/she asked to have sex on the 2nd date would you do it?
  11. Last question: Do you feel your in love with this person?

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Quiz topic: Am I In Love Quiz