Are You In Love (Boys!)

See a girl in your class? Think you love her? Well, take this quiz and find out. Don't just sit there and do nothing about it! TAKE THIS QUIZ! This has been tested and has caused relationships that are still happening!

Are you in love? Maybe! Maybe not. Take this quiz to see. If your read paragraph one you know that this quiz has gifted people with relationships! Tell your friends!

Created by: Thomas Stricker

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you gay?
  2. Are you gay?
  3. Do you act nervous around her?
  4. Are you afraid to ask her out?
  5. Does she give you a boned?
  6. Final question: Are u willing to marry her?
  7. Just kidding! Do you dream about her
  8. What's her name?
  9. Do you flirt?
  10. Are you in any classes with her

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Quiz topic: Am I In Love (Boys!)