are you in love?

everyone is in love at one point in their lives so this quiz is perfect for seeing if you see if you are still in love or maybe to get closure so take this quiz to see

do you think your in love? if you do this is the perfect quiz for you too have you had feeling for someone for a while? well lets see if your in love with them.

Created by: lilly
  1. is one person nearly to always on your mind all the time?
  2. do you feel funny whenever you see them?
  3. do you internet stalk them?
  4. when you hear love songs do you think of one person?
  5. do you secretly want people to talk about that person?
  6. are you good friends with them
  7. do you find yourself doodling when you think of them?
  8. when you hear the word love who comes to mind?
  9. when you talk to them on message how many xs do you put if you use them?
  10. have you ever met them on your own?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?