are you in love?

I hope this will help its not too long so I really hope you enjoyed this quiz let me know if ya did or didnt and thanks for taking an offer army quiz!

Are you curious if you like somebody or not??? Well find out now. After this quiz you will know if you have a crush on somebody or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: reindeers
  1. Do you think about this person a lot?
  2. Have you ever dreamt about this person????
  3. Do you hang out with this person a lot?
  4. Do you think the quiz will help?
  5. Did you like the quiz?
  6. Does your friends think you like him/her?
  7. Do you think he/she likes you and have you ever in your life thought about asking them out?
  8. Do you ever tell this person secerets?
  9. Did you like the quiz?
  10. Rate how much you think you like this person 1-6
  11. Think you for taking the quiz will you make a good cooment ?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?