are you in love

this is a fun and easy way to tell if you are truely in love! you will take around 10 questions to tell if you are in love all the or only part way or not at all and if you are not in love dont tke this test you wont like the anwsers you get!

are you in love? how do you know? if you take this tet it will tell you if you are or not! some of the questions have been answered by scientists and i have the answers and the questions!

Created by: zoie
  1. Do you have a pet name for them?
  2. Do you look them in the eye?
  3. Do you make physical contact with them? Hold hands.ect
  4. Do you have a song that makes you think of them?
  5. Do you talk alot?
  6. Do you get giggly around them for no reason?
  7. Do you blush around them?
  8. Do you get imbarrest a lot around them?
  9. Do you listen to love songs more?
  10. Do you write love letters?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love