Are you in a coma?

What is a coma? Do people in comas know they're in comas? When someone is in a coma you can't shake them awake like someone sleeping. Don't take this test its bad.

Are you in a coma? Is everything around you just put together by your imagination? Is anything you see real? Take this quick 12-question quiz to find out!

Created by: J?
  1. Do you think you're in a coma?
  2. Have you ever had a serious head injury?
  3. Have you ever had a seizure?
  4. Have you ever overdosed?
  5. Is this real?
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. How much do you know about comas?
  8. How do you pronounce 'coma'
  9. Whar was the reason for your last hospital visit?
  10. Do you want to be in a coma?

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Quiz topic: Am I in a coma? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Health Quiz category.