Are You Important To The World?

This will probably accurately decide whether you can change the world or not. please dont complain to me if you get "unimportant". Thanks. I honestly dont know whether IM important or not.

This is the only quiz ive made, and i dont expect to make more anytime soon, so try to enjoy it. Im not sure what else to say here. Ok do the quiz now

Created by: Maybe im important?
  1. Do you believe in Gods or Afterlifes?
  2. Do you believe in Fate? or that it can be changed by yourself?
  3. Do you believe that everyone has the power, or weapon, to change the fate of the world, or even defeat a God?
  4. Do you hate the world, and wish for a better world to be in its place?
  5. Do you exist?
  6. Have you played Xenoblade Chronicles?
  7. If so, do you think everyone has a Monado, and you can awaken yours?
  8. Do you want to be a God?
  9. Do you feel that you have your own, personal power? Unexplained even?
  10. Do you want to kill God?

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Quiz topic: Am I Important To The World?
