Are you human, or are you dancer?

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Will your system be alright when you dream of dance tonight? There's no message I'm receiving until you take this quiz tonight. Find out now how millions of Americans discovered the truth to this vital question!

I know you're probably rolling your eyes at the cringe of this all, but this quiz will improve your life. I guarantee it (I have severe arthritis so my fingers are always crossed. It does not mean I'm lying).

Created by: Amy
  1. Are you human or you dancer?
  2. Is your sign vital?
  3. Are your hands cold?
  4. Are you on your knees?
  5. Are you looking for the answer?
  6. Will your systems be alright?
  7. Is your heart still beating?
  8. Do you get nervous when you see an open door?
  9. Did you notice when the call came down the line?
  10. Did devotion teach you everything you know?

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Quiz topic: Am I human, or am I dancer?
