are you hufflepuff, grifondor , slitheren ,or ravenclaw

people want to know were they will be at in harry potter.well i got it. hope you like my quiz

i wanted to do this for fun hag nothing else to do hope you like my quiz

Created by: corben mehrhoff
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you a bullie,bystander,or are you a vitcom of bulling./be honest/nobody careswhat you get/.
  2. are you more like...
  3. what would you do with voldimort...
  4. dou you car about if your freinds and teachers died.
  5. wich one do you wnat to be.
  6. are you good at lerning stuff
  7. which do you like best
  8. wich do yuo like best
  9. wich charctor are you most like
  10. rate how do you like it

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Quiz topic: Am I hufflepuff, grifondor , slitheren ,or ravenclaw You can find more quizzes like this one in our Sorting Hat Quiz category.