Are You Hot Or Not?

there are very few hot/sexy people in this world but some of them are not able to been found if you think you are one of them who can be found then why not take this quiz you might be one.

but some people are not hot/sexy enough and they might fail horribly so enter this quiz at your own risk now will you find out ur hot or not?Lets Begin!

Created by: Britney Waters

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Many Boys/Girls Asked You Out?
  2. How Many Boys/Girls Want To Be Like You?
  3. How Would People Rate You 0-10?
  4. Do You Care How You Look?
  5. Do You Flirt?
  6. Have You Ever Had A Make out?
  7. (Before I Say This Kids If Ur Young Look Away) Have You Ever Had Sex?
  8. (Once Again If Ur Young Look Away!) Have You Ever Streaked Or Gone to A Strip Club?
  9. Do You Like Parties?
  10. Did You Like This Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Hot Or Not?