are you hot or are you a bummer?

have you ever thought of yourself as hot?? has anybody ever called you hot?? well, has anyone ever called you a bummer?? if soo you need to take this quiz!! see who is telling the truth!!we know!! take this quizzz!!!

are you a bummer?? are you hot?? can you qualify to carry the title known as " hot "?? welll you can find out in just a few seconds!! we can give the truth!! we know!!!we can tell you the truth!! TAKE OUR QUIZZ!!

Created by: mariah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you normaly do on a saturday night??
  2. do you currently have a boyfriend?
  3. what is your favorite subject??
  4. how would you greet someone??
  5. is this quiz makin you mad???
  6. do you have a bff??
  7. do you go to church??
  8. have you had a first kiss??
  9. do you kiss your mom in front of people?
  10. r u a cheerleader??

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Quiz topic: Am I hot or am I a bummer?