Are you hot/handsome?

This quiz determines if you're hot or not.If you get you're hot/handsome or not.If you get"Yes",lucky you-you're hot/handsome.Good job!You also got the best category.

Remember,just do it again if you didn't like your answer!Do it again!Do it again!Just redo if you didn't like that ol' answer.Hope you get a category you like next time(if you redo).

Created by: AnnaShrushNo1!1818
  1. Do guys/girls flirt with you?
  2. Do people avoid you or pretend to be your friend and then betray you?
  3. Do people try to be your friend?
  4. Do people whisper good things or bad things behind your back?
  5. Do people drop weird questions on you?
  6. Are people mean to you?
  7. Are you a boy or girl?
  8. Do people act weird around you?
  9. Do people try to impress you?
  10. Are you smart?

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Quiz topic: Am I hot/handsome?
