Are you honest or dishonest?

Are you honest or dishonest? With this quiz you will know if you are honest and you like to say the truth or if you are dishonest and you always lie...

Are you a lier? Do you lie to your family, friends, or to your classmates? Are you an honest person? Do you tell the truth to everyone? Do you think it is correct to lie?

Created by: Valentina P / Carola B
  1. Do you tell the truth to your friends?
  2. Do you lie to your teacher?
  3. Do you tell your parents that you tidied your room when you didn't?
  4. Do you tell your that you did your homework when you didn't?
  5. When your parents say that you have to eat... What do you do?
  6. When your mother says that you have to go to the grocery... What do you do?
  7. Do you tell your sister that you didn't broke her phone when you did?
  8. Do you steal your friend's pencilcase and you say it's yours?
  9. Do you wear your friend's clothes and you say that those are yours?
  10. Your friend tells you a secret... What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I honest or dishonest?