Are you him? (read summary)

It started out a year ago, when I had a dream about this boy, now you may think I'm boy crazy, but I'm not, normally I don't crush on guys that much unless I know them really well, but in the dream I fell in love and I felt like it was real, and somehow I've convinced myself it was real but in a dream kindof real, like a connection sort of, ok now I sound like I'm insane :)

So if you have had a dream about a girl awhile back where it felt like it was real, just leave me a comment and describe the dream to me, who knows? Maybe it was me?

Created by: Emma115

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. So if you haven't read the summary then do it now...anyways, what color is your hair?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. Do you have facial blemishs/marks?
  4. Do you have dimples?
  5. What is your attitude like?
  6. What is your ideal date with a girl?
  7. Would you consider yourself deep minded?
  8. How old are you
  9. Does it matter more what I look like or what I AM like?(I'm actually pretty good looking);)
  10. Where do you live?
  11. If you are from North America, which region?
  12. Ok other countries don't matter, no offense but I'm on a search, don't hate me, if you think you got marked off for that other question and your from Asia or somewhere just comment and I'll talk to you some how :) I'm on an international search :P
  13. If you are from the North East of the USA, then pick a group of states...
  14. Ok pick a state closest to where you live in the North East
  15. Ok if you live in New York then just tell me the county LOL and I'll be good :)
  16. That's it!I hope you're him!

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Quiz topic: Am I him? (read summary)