Are you Harry, Hermione, or Ron?

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This quiz will tell you if you're most like Harry, Ron or Hermione! There's not much else to say other than I love the Harry Potter franchise and I hope you all do too!

I hope whoever you get is accurate! Make sure to answer all the questions honestly! Make sure to comment what quiz I should make next or who you got! Best of luck, have fun!

Created by: [Insert name]
  1. First off, how much do you like Harry Potter? (The franchise, not the person)
  2. What house are you?
  3. Homework?
  4. What's for breakfast?
  5. Pick one.
  6. How would you tell your crush you like them?
  7. Make a choice. Save the Sword of Gryffindor or ancient valuable texts.
  8. You're late to school! Ask for a tardy slip or risk it and be a few minutes late?
  9. What do you fear the most out of these options?
  10. Books?
  11. Who do you think you are most like?
  12. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Harry, Hermione, or Ron?
