Are you happy with yourself?

Here you can test how your self image is, how depressed and lonely you feel. Omda dees nog ni genoeg is: once upon a time, there were 4 people in a bank robbery, and then they ate pumpkin pie but still they died

It's just a test so don't kill yourself over it if it says you have to. Omda dees nog ni genoeg is: Freddy fish fingered the flirty Phone assistant with the ol' fish fingers.

Created by: Simon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you tell people what music you listen to?
  2. Do you talk about your problems?
  3. What is your favourite afternoon activity?
  4. Have you ever thoght about running away, dissappearing?
  5. What lies on your bedside table?
  6. What are emo's?
  7. Your motto: (most fitting)
  8. Look! A Bunny!...
  9. Why are you on this planet?
  10. This doesn't make any sense at all, does it?

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Quiz topic: Am I happy with myself?