Are you gunna get your crush soon or nahh

This quiz will tell you if you will get your crush and crush his heart with love or will he crush your heart with pain and tears if so sporry but if you crush his heart be his forever

Take this quiz to find out And i really hope you enjoy but if you dont enjoy just tell me so and i will help this quiz get better enjoy it and thank you for taking your time with my quiz

Created by: Emily Colwell
  1. What hair color
  2. What eye color
  3. What Race
  4. Does he have a girlfriend
  5. who is he to the school
  6. Is he the school Hottie
  7. Is he crushing on you or another girl
  8. Do you and him talk often
  9. Are you and him friends
  10. Are you neighbors

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Quiz topic: Am I gunna get my crush soon or nahh

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