are you good with fashion?

This quiz it for GIRLS ONLY! This is a quiz that will tell you how much fashion you have in your blood! Not sure?! This quiz is just for you! Enjoy!!!

Are you an ultimate fashionista!?!? Are you a color clasher or do you know what to go for and what to stay away from!? This quiz is calling your name!!!

Created by: Samantha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think red and pink go good together?
  2. Would you wear a polka dot shirt with polka dot pants?
  3. Would you wear a dress/designer shirt with sweat pants?
  4. Do you wear leggings with shorts?
  5. Which of the below do you think look best together?
  6. Do you wear tennis shoes with skirts /dresses?
  7. Do you think zebra print and cheeta print go together?
  8. Do you think purple and green go together?
  9. Do you think black and gold go together?
  10. Coach purse or miss me jeans?

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Quiz topic: Am I good with fashion?