Are you Good or Evil

Every Where you look there are good and bad people! Some want to help others are the cause! Find out which one you are by taking this quiz today... or whenever you want!

This quiz features questions to figure out whether you good, bad, or a little surprise result which you will have to find out for yourself. But uh.. yeah enjoy!

Created by: Jayden
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A buildings on fire your
  2. A friend wants to help him hot-wire a car for him you
  3. Your in a convenience store when suddenly someone robs the place your
  4. A friend has just given you a gun & told you to help him start a school shoot-out you
  5. What question number is this?
  6. A man tells you everything is about to explode you
  7. I am running out of ideas
  8. Okay I got it!
  9. Almost Done. What is the meaning of life?
  10. Last question. Adolf Hitler?

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Quiz topic: Am I Good or Evil