Are you good or evil?

This quiz will tell you if you have a life want to take other peoples or if you want to save other peoples and I created this quiz for a few reasons because I want people to know and Im evil I really hope you have fun and please answer truthfully

I enjoyed making this so I hope you enjoy doing this and I know what its like so take it seriously this is not a joke really its all true and the only way you will know if its a joke is if you hack this

Created by: Mirapuppy9
  1. How do you feel about love
  2. Have you ever killed someone
  3. An old person is about to be hit by a car what do you do
  4. If you had to kill someone how would you
  5. Would you murder someone
  6. Who would you kill
  7. If you chose guilty criminal what if I told you they were innocent
  8. If you chose orphan in pain what if I told you they werent in pain wrong orphanage
  9. How many people do you love
  10. How many people do you hate
  11. Do you have a crush marriage or boyfriend/girlfriend

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Quiz topic: Am I good or evil?
